
Green Up Your Garden: Essential Lawn Care in Massachusetts

by | Jun 19, 2024


Why Your Lawn Needs Special Care: Lawn Care Massachusetts

Taking care of your lawn in Massachusetts isn’t just a weekend chore—it’s an art form. Lush lawns and vibrant gardens not only add beauty to your home but also boost its value. But with Massachusetts’ unique climate, lawn care can be tricky.

If you’re looking for lawn care in Massachusetts, here are some quick tips to get you started:

  • Seasonal Adjustments: Your lawn needs different care in spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  • Soil Testing: Understand your lawn’s pH and nutrient levels.
  • Pest Control: Protect your lawn from common pests like grubs and ticks.
  • Customized Plans: Tailor your care routine for best results.

Maintaining a healthy lawn in Massachusetts requires special attention due to its seasonal challenges. From icy winters to hot, humid summers, each season brings its own set of lawn care needs. Whether you are prepping your yard for the spring bloom or safeguarding it against winter frost, a thoughtful lawn care plan is essential.

Let’s dive into how you can transform your garden into a lush, green paradise all year round!

Year-Round Lawn Care Tips - lawn care massachusetts infographic pillar-5-steps

Essential Lawn Care Tips for Massachusetts Homeowners

Spring Lawn Care

Spring is the season of renewal. As winter’s grip loosens, your lawn wakes up from its slumber. This is the perfect time to prepare for the upcoming months of growth.

Clean-Up and Preparation
Start by cleaning up winter debris such as fallen leaves and dead branches. Trim shrubs and perennials, but be careful not to trim too early as some plants may still need protection from occasional frost.

Testing your soil’s pH levels can guide your fertilization efforts. Apply a maintenance fertilizer or a Step 1 product (typically 22-4-4) before forsythia blooms drop. This helps to control crabgrass and other annual weeds.

Pest Control
Spring is the time to check for snow mold damage. If necessary, use a lawn fungicide to prevent further issues.

Mow weekly, keeping your mower blade sharp for clean cuts. Set the height to 2½-3 inches and never cut off more than 1/3 of the grass blade at a time. Leave clippings on the lawn if no disease is present; they’re a great nitrogen source.

Summer Maintenance

Summer in Massachusetts can bring scorching temperatures and periodic droughts. Keeping your lawn healthy during these hot months requires specific strategies.

Mowing Height
Raise your mower height to at least 3 inches in late June. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing water evaporation and discouraging weed growth.

Use a low-nitrogen, organic slow-release fertilizer after June 15. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers when high temperatures coincide with low moisture, especially if you don’t irrigate regularly.

Pest Control
Watch for pests like Japanese beetles and aphids. Use integrated pest management techniques, employing natural predators and targeted treatments. Control grubs with imidacloprid (Merit) if you had issues in the prior season.

Watering Techniques
Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, ideally 1 inch per week, including rainfall. The best time to water is early morning (4 a.m. to 5 a.m.) to minimize disease potential.

Fall Preparation

As temperatures cool down and leaves start to change, it’s time to prepare your lawn for winter.

Core aeration is crucial in the fall. It allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil, promoting healthier roots.

Fall is the ideal time to overseed your lawn. It fills in bare spots and improves the lawn’s overall density.

Use a maintenance fertilizer to give your lawn the nutrients it needs to survive the winter and thrive in the spring.

Remove fallen leaves and other debris to prevent smothering the grass and creating a breeding ground for disease.

Winter Readiness

Winter in Massachusetts can be harsh. Preparing your lawn for the cold months is essential to ensure it bounces back in the spring.

Snow Removal
Regularly remove snow from your lawn to prevent mold and other issues. Be careful not to damage the grass while shoveling or plowing.

Protecting the Lawn
Avoid heavy traffic on your lawn during winter. Foot traffic can compact the soil and damage the grass.

Equipment Maintenance
Winter is the perfect time to maintain your lawn care equipment. Sharpen mower blades, clean tools, and ensure everything is in good working order for the next season.

By following these seasonal tips, you can keep your lawn lush and healthy all year round. Proper lawn care in Massachusetts requires attention to detail and a proactive approach.

Lawn Care Massachusetts: Costs and Budgeting

Average Costs of Services

Understanding the costs involved in lawn care in Massachusetts can help you budget effectively. Here are some average prices for key services:

  • Lawn Mowing: Typically, lawn mowing costs range from $30 to $80 per visit, depending on the size of your yard and the frequency of service.
  • Fertilizing: Fertilizing your lawn can cost between $50 and $150 per application. The price varies based on the type of fertilizer and the size of your lawn.
  • Aeration: Aeration services usually cost around $75 to $200. Aeration is crucial for improving soil drainage and promoting root growth.
  • Pest Control: Pest control treatments range from $50 to $100 per application. This includes treatments for grubs, fleas, ticks, and other common pests.

Budgeting Tips

Cost-Saving Strategies

  1. Combine Services: Many providers offer discounts when you bundle multiple services. For example, combining mowing, fertilizing, and pest control can save you money.
  2. Seasonal Contracts: Opt for seasonal or yearly contracts instead of one-time services. Long-term contracts often come with lower rates.
  3. DIY Basic Tasks: Simple tasks like mowing and basic fertilization can be done yourself to cut costs. Reserve professional services for more complex tasks like aeration and pest control.
  4. Use Organic Options: Organic treatments can sometimes be more cost-effective in the long run. For instance, corn gluten as a pre-emergent weed control not only prevents weeds but also promotes lush grass growth.

When to DIY vs. Hire Professionals

  • DIY: Tasks like mowing, basic fertilizing, and leaf raking can be done on your own if you have the time and equipment. For example, using a pelletized lime is easy and safe for homeowners.
  • Hire Professionals: Complex tasks like aeration, overseeding, and pest control are best left to professionals. As one customer noted, “Although the price was higher than expected, the quality made it worth it.” Professionals have the right tools and expertise to ensure optimal results.

By planning your budget and knowing when to DIY or hire professionals, you can maintain a healthy lawn without breaking the bank.

Common Lawn Problems in Massachusetts and Solutions

When it comes to lawn care Massachusetts, homeowners face several common issues: weeds, pests, and diseases. Let’s break down how to manage these effectively.

Managing Weeds

Weeds can quickly take over your lawn if not controlled early. Here are some strategies:

  • Pre-emergent Herbicides: These products prevent weed seeds from germinating. They are most effective when applied in early spring. For example, a pre-emergent product can stop crabgrass before it even starts growing.
  • Broadleaf Control: For existing broadleaf weeds like dandelions, use a targeted herbicide. Broadleaf herbicides are designed to kill weeds without harming your grass.
  • Organic Options: If you prefer natural methods, hand-pulling weeds is effective for small areas. Make sure to remove the entire root to prevent regrowth. Another organic option is using corn gluten meal, which acts as a natural pre-emergent.

Pest Control

Pests can cause significant damage to your lawn. They fall into two main categories: root feeders and surface feeders.

  • Grubs: These are the immature stages of beetles like the Japanese beetle. They feed on grass roots, causing dead patches. If you find more than 5-7 grubs per square foot, it’s time to treat. Options include 24-hour insecticides like Dylox for immediate control or season-long insecticides like imidacloprid for prevention.
  • Surface Feeders: Pests like sod webworms and chinch bugs feed on grass blades. Look for signs of chewed leaves or thinning grass. Use insecticides that list these pests on their label. Both granular and liquid forms are available.
  • Organic and Chemical Treatments: For those who prefer organic methods, beneficial nematodes can be effective against grubs. Milky spore powder is another organic option. For surface feeders, neem oil can help.

Disease Prevention

Fungal diseases can spread quickly and ruin a healthy lawn. Key strategies include:

  • Fungal Diseases: Common issues like snow mold, pythium blight, and brown patch need specific treatments. Use fungicides that list the disease on their label. Granular products are good for large areas, while liquid products work for spot treatments.
  • Optimal Lawn Care Practices: Proper watering, mowing, and fertilization are crucial. Water early in the morning to allow the grass to dry out during the day, reducing the risk of fungal growth. Mow at the correct height to avoid stressing the grass.
  • Treatment Options: For lawns with a history of disease, preventative fungicide applications can be very effective. Always follow the product instructions for the best results.

By addressing these common problems early, you can maintain a healthy and vibrant lawn throughout the year. Up next, let’s explore how Lawn Care Plus Inc. can be your partner in achieving lawn care excellence.

Lawn Care Plus Inc.: Your Partner in Lawn Care Excellence

When it comes to lawn care in Massachusetts, Lawn Care Plus Inc. stands out as a reliable partner. Here’s why:

Comprehensive Services

Lawn Care Plus Inc. offers a wide range of services tailored to meet all your lawn care needs. From lawn maintenance and lawn installation to masonry services and snow removal, they cover it all. Their team is equipped to handle everything from spring and fall clean-ups to tree and plant installation.

For example, their lawn maintenance programs include everything from edging and mulching to reseeding and fertilizing. They even offer snow plowing and shoveling programs to keep your property safe during the winter months.

Experienced Team

The team at Lawn Care Plus Inc. is made up of dedicated professionals who are passionate about what they do. With years of experience in the field, they bring a wealth of knowledge to every project. Their expertise ensures that your lawn will be in excellent hands, whether you need general property maintenance or a new patio.

A satisfied customer, April King, said, “Reliable and professional service. They walked me through the process to get my desired end goal for the yard and everything came out so beautiful.”

Customized Care Plans

Every lawn is unique, and Lawn Care Plus Inc. understands this well. They offer customized care plans that are specifically designed to meet the unique demands of your lawn. Whether your lawn needs help with weed control, disease prevention, or insect management, they have a solution tailored for you.

Their professional lawn care services aim to maintain your lawn’s health, thickness, and greenness over the long term. This means there’s no predetermined timeline for treatments. Instead, their experts develop a long-term solution to keep your lawn in top shape.

Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. Today

If you’re looking to enhance the beauty and health of your lawn, Lawn Care Plus Inc. is here to help. Their comprehensive services, experienced team, and customized care plans make them the ideal partner for your lawn care needs in Massachusetts.

Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. for Exceptional Services Today by calling 617-592-9185 or request an estimate online today for more information.

In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about lawn care in Massachusetts.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lawn Care in Massachusetts

What is the best time to fertilize my lawn in Massachusetts?

Fertilizing your lawn at the right time is crucial for optimal growth. In Massachusetts, the best times to fertilize are spring and fall.

  • Spring: Apply a balanced fertilizer to jumpstart growth after winter dormancy. Aim for early to mid-April.
  • Fall: September is the optimal time to apply a high-nitrogen fertilizer to prepare your lawn for winter. You can also use a Step 4 winterizer product in late October or early November.

Avoid fertilizing during high heat or drought conditions to prevent damage.

How much should I expect to pay for lawn care services in my area?

The cost of lawn care services in Massachusetts can vary based on the size of your lawn and the specific services you need. On average:

  • Mowing: $30-$50 per visit for a standard residential lawn.
  • Fertilizing: $40-$60 per application.
  • Aeration: $75-$150 per service, depending on lawn size.

For a more accurate estimate, contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. for a free quote.

How can I naturally control pests in my lawn?

Natural pest control is a great way to keep your lawn healthy without harmful chemicals. Here are some effective methods:

  • Beneficial Nematodes: These microscopic organisms can control grubs and other soil-dwelling pests. They are best applied in September when the soil is moist.
  • Organic Products: Use family-friendly, organic pest control products to manage fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.
  • Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye out for pests like chinch bugs and treat them promptly to prevent damage.

For expert advice and organic pest control solutions, reach out to Lawn Care Plus Inc..

In the next section, we’ll summarize the importance of regular lawn maintenance and how Lawn Care Plus Inc. can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy lawn year-round.


Regular lawn maintenance is essential for a vibrant and healthy yard. Proper care ensures your lawn remains lush, green, and free of pests and diseases throughout the year.


Maintaining a beautiful lawn in Massachusetts involves understanding the seasonal challenges and applying the right techniques at the right time. From spring clean-ups and summer mowing to fall fertilizing and winter readiness, each season demands specific attention. By following a consistent schedule and addressing common issues like weeds, pests, and diseases, you can enjoy a thriving lawn.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for several reasons:

  • Health: A well-maintained lawn is less susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • Appearance: Regular care keeps your lawn looking its best.
  • Value: A beautiful lawn increases the curb appeal and value of your property.

Neglecting your lawn can lead to problems that are costly and time-consuming to fix. Consistent care saves you money in the long run and provides a safe, enjoyable space for your family.

Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. for Expert Services

At Lawn Care Plus Inc., we understand the unique challenges of lawn care in Massachusetts. Our experienced team offers comprehensive services tailored to your lawn’s specific needs. Whether you need seasonal maintenance, pest control, or expert advice, we are here to help.

Don’t let lawn care become a chore. Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. today to schedule your service and enjoy a beautiful, healthy lawn year-round.

For more information and to request an estimate, call us at 617-592-9185 or visit our website.

Your lawn deserves the best, and we’re here to provide it.


Green Up Your Garden: Essential Lawn Care in Massachusetts

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