
Get Your Yard Summer-Ready: Spring Cleanup Tips

by | May 28, 2024



Spring’s arrival means it’s time for your yard’s annual wake-up call. Busy schedules aside, giving your yard some attention now will save time and effort in the growing season ahead.

Quick Spring Yard Clean Up Tips:
Remove debris: Clear out litter, leaves, and fallen branches.
Rake and aerate: Help your lawn breathe and absorb nutrients.
Fertilize and mulch: Nourish your plants and suppress weeds.
Prune shrubs and trees: Trim back for healthy growth.
Plant and divide perennials: Refresh flower beds for blooming glory.

Spring yard clean up is crucial. It prepares your outdoor space for summer, ensuring your lawn thrives and garden blooms. Clearing debris, aerating, fertilizing, and proper pruning are steps that can turn your yard from winter drab to summer fab.

Spring Yard Clean Up Checklist: Remove debris, Rake and aerate, Fertilize and mulch, Prune shrubs and trees, Plant and divide perennials. - spring yard clean up tips infographic pyramid-hierarchy-5-steps

Essential Spring Yard Clean Up Tips

When to Start Your Spring Yard Cleanup

Timing your spring yard cleanup is crucial for the health of your garden. The best time to start is when the weather begins to warm up and the soil is no longer frozen. Typically, this is in early spring, but it can vary based on your region.

Temperature Guidelines:
Above 50°F (10°C): Ideal for most cleanup tasks.
Soil temperature: Should be warm enough to avoid compacting.

Ecosystem Considerations:
Pollinators: Avoid disturbing ground-nesting bees by waiting until mid-spring.
Beneficial insects: Delay removing leaf litter in garden beds to protect overwintering insects.

How to Clean Up an Overgrown Backyard

Cleaning up an overgrown backyard can seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can help.

Debris Removal:
Trash and dog feces: Clear all litter and pet waste. Wear heavy gloves to avoid injuries from sharp objects.
Dead leaves and branches: Remove fallen leaves, branches, and pinecones to prevent mold and pests.

Lawn clearing: Rake your lawn thoroughly to remove dead leaves and grass clippings. This helps control thatch build-up.
Garden beds: Carefully rake out beds to avoid damaging emerging perennials.

Compost: Work compost into established beds to enrich the soil.
Chemical fertilizers: If using, follow application directions to prevent burning plants.

Shrubs and trees: Trim back for healthy growth. Scissors can be handy for tight spaces.
Perennials: Remove dead leaves and stalks from perennials and ornamental grasses.

Lawn and garden beds: Create clean edges between your lawn and driveways, patios, and walkways. This prevents growth from creeping in and gives a tidy appearance.

Weed prevention: Apply mulch to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture.
Soil erosion control: Mulch helps prevent soil erosion and maintains soil temperature.

Preemergent herbicides: Use to prevent crabgrass and other weeds.
Manual removal: Pull weeds as you encounter them to prevent spreading.

Litter and debris: Remove all litter and debris from your yard.
Old mulch: Remove old mulch before applying a new layer to avoid fungal diseases.

By following these spring yard clean up tips, you’ll prepare your outdoor space for a vibrant summer season. Temperature guidelines and ecosystem considerations to ensure a healthy and thriving garden.

Spring yard cleanup - spring yard clean up tips

Tools and Equipment for Effective Spring Yard Cleanup

Having the right tools and equipment can make your spring yard cleanup much easier and more efficient. Here’s what you’ll need:


Rakes are essential for gathering leaves, sticks, and other debris. Make sure you have a sturdy rake with all its tines intact.

  • Leaf Rake: Ideal for lawns and garden beds.
  • Bow Rake: Perfect for tougher tasks like spreading mulch or leveling soil.

Pro Tip: A good rake with all its tines will make raking easier and more effective.


Pruners are key for trimming shrubs, trees, and perennial plants. Different types of pruners serve different needs:

  • Hand Pruners: Best for small branches and stems.
  • Loppers: Ideal for thicker branches.
  • Pole Pruners: Perfect for reaching higher branches without a ladder.

Pro Tip: Prune trees from late winter to early spring to allow fresh wounds to heal as new growth emerges. For example, the ECHO eFORCE Power Pruner is great for safely trimming branches up to 15 feet high from the ground.


Edgers create clean, crisp lines between your lawn and flower beds, enhancing the overall look of your yard.

  • Half Moon Edger: Effective for precise edges. Its rounded edge allows you to rock side-to-side, making it easier to navigate around stones and roots.

Pro Tip: Edging is like the “eyebrow wax” of yard cleanup—it’s a small step that makes a huge visual difference.


Mulching helps your plantings retain moisture, creates a weed barrier, and prevents soil erosion.

Pro Tip: Lay a preventative layer like a weed-blocking fabric or several layers of newspaper between the mulch and the soil to prevent weed growth.

Fertilizer Spreaders

Fertilizer spreaders help you evenly distribute fertilizer, grass seed, or even de-icing materials. Choose a spreader based on your yard size:

  • Handheld Spreader: Suitable for smaller yards.
  • Push Spreader: Ideal for larger areas.

Pro Tip: Consult your local garden center for the best fertilizer mix for your area. For example, a 20-5-10 mixture is recommended for many regions.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Fertilizing your lawn during spring cleanup is essential to ensure that your grass has the nutrients needed to thrive throughout the growing season.

  • 20-5-10 Mixture: This is a common fertilizer mix that works well in many areas.
  • Local Advice: Talk to your local garden center for recommendations tailored to your specific region and soil type.

Pro Tip: Use a broadcast or drop spreader for even application, ensuring that no area is over or under-fertilized.

Pruning and Trimming Techniques

Pruning is crucial for maintaining the health and aesthetics of your shrubs and trees. It helps remove dead or diseased branches, promotes growth, and enhances flowering.

  • Shrub Shaping: Shape your shrubs to encourage a neat appearance.
  • Tree Health: Remove dead or broken branches to prevent diseases and pests.
  • Early Blooms: Prune after blooming to maximize flower production next season.

Pro Tip: When pruning larger trees and shrubs, start with the largest branches first. This will make it easier to see what you’re doing and avoid damaging smaller branches.

By using the right tools and techniques, your spring yard cleanup will be more efficient and effective. Next, let’s dive into Landscaping Enhancements During Spring Cleanup to further improve your yard’s appearance and health.

Landscaping Enhancements During Spring Cleanup

Spring is the perfect time to enhance your landscape. Let’s look at how to define beds, start new planting projects, and make aesthetic improvements. We’ll also cover installing new features like patio edges and cobblestones, and the benefits of mulching for soil health.

Installing New Features

Bed Definition

Defining your garden beds can make a huge difference in your yard’s appearance. Use a half-moon edger to create clean, crisp lines between your lawn and garden beds. This not only looks neat but also helps keep mulch contained and prevents grass from encroaching.

New Planting Projects

Spring is ideal for starting new planting projects. Whether you’re adding a flower bed or a vegetable garden, ensure the soil is well-prepared. Use compost to enrich the soil and landscape fabric to keep weeds at bay.

Aesthetic Improvements

Enhance your yard’s look by installing patio edges. Use cobblestones to create a defined edge that prevents material from spilling into the lawn. Follow these steps:

  1. Stake a line with twine.
  2. Dig a trench about 5 inches wide and 4 inches deep.
  3. Set the cobbles in place using a rubber mallet.

This simple project can be done in a weekend and will add a professional touch to your yard.

Retaining Edges

For areas with slopes, consider adding retaining edges. These not only prevent soil erosion but also add structure to your landscape. Use stones or bricks, and make sure they are firmly set in a trench.

Mulching for Healthier Soil

Mulch is a gardener’s best friend. It helps with weed prevention, moisture retention, and soil erosion control.

Weed Prevention

Applying a 2-4 inch layer of mulch can suppress weed growth. Organic mulches like wood chips and leaves break down over time, enriching the soil. Inorganic options like stones last longer but don’t improve soil quality.

Moisture Retention

Mulch helps retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation. This is especially important during dry spells. Make sure to keep mulch a few inches away from tree trunks and plant bases to prevent rot.

Soil Erosion Control

Mulch acts as a barrier against rain, reducing soil erosion. This is crucial for maintaining soil health and preventing nutrient loss.

By focusing on these landscaping enhancements, your yard will not only look better but also be healthier and easier to maintain. Up next, we’ll explore Spring Yard Clean Up Tips for Lawn Care to ensure your lawn is summer-ready.

Spring Yard Clean Up Tips for Lawn Care

Preparing Your Lawn for Summer

Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn helps it breathe. It involves creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots. Use a manual lawn aerator or a power aerator for larger areas. Remember to mark sprinkler heads and underground utilities to avoid damage.

Seeding Tips

Overseed your lawn to fill in bare patches and improve its overall appearance. For best results, choose a seed mix suited to your region. Early spring is ideal for this task. If you plan to use a preemergent herbicide, avoid overseeding until fall.

Soil Testing

Healthy soil is the foundation of a lush lawn. Conduct a soil test to determine its pH level and nutrient content. You can buy a soil test kit at your local garden center or send a sample to a lab. Based on the results, add necessary amendments like lime or sulfur to balance pH levels.

Mowing Heights

Adjust your mower to the correct height for your grass type. Generally, cool-season grasses should be mowed to about 2.5 to 3.5 inches, while warm-season grasses should be kept at 1.5 to 2 inches. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing weed growth and retaining moisture.

Lawn Maintenance Schedule

A well-planned lawn maintenance schedule helps you stay ahead of potential issues.


  • Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer to promote growth.
  • Weed Control: Use preemergent herbicides to prevent weeds.
  • Aeration: Aerate if your soil is compacted.


  • Watering: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.
  • Mowing: Mow regularly, keeping the grass at the recommended height.
  • Pest Control: Monitor for pests and treat as necessary.


  • Fertilizing: Apply a high-phosphorus fertilizer to strengthen roots.
  • Overseeding: Fill in thin spots with appropriate grass seed.
  • Leaf Removal: Keep the lawn clear of fallen leaves to prevent mold.


  • Equipment Check: Service your mower and other tools.
  • Soil Testing: Conduct soil tests and amend as needed.
  • Weed Control: Apply preemergent herbicides to prevent winter weeds.

By following these spring yard clean up tips, your lawn will be well-prepared for the growing season. Up next, we’ll delve into Landscaping Enhancements During Spring Cleanup to elevate your yard’s aesthetics.


Spring yard cleanups are not just about tidying up; they’re about laying the groundwork for a beautiful and healthy lawn that you can enjoy all summer long. When you take the time to remove debris, prune plants, and prepare the soil, you’re investing in the future of your yard.

Project Satisfaction

There’s something deeply satisfying about seeing your hard work pay off. Imagine the joy of stepping out into a lush, green yard that you helped create. Your efforts in the spring will make your yard the envy of the neighborhood. Plus, regular maintenance can save you money by preventing costly issues down the line.

Future Yard Planning

Spring cleanup is also an excellent time to plan for future projects. Whether you’re thinking about adding a new flower bed, installing a water feature, or simply improving your lawn’s health, now is the time to start planning. Assess your yard’s current condition and make a list of improvements you’d like to tackle next.

Lawn Care Plus Inc. Services

Feeling overwhelmed by the scope of your spring cleanup? No worries! Lawn Care Plus Inc. offers professional services to help you get your yard in top shape. From debris removal and pruning to fertilizing and aerating, our team has the expertise and equipment to handle it all. We show up on time, work efficiently, and leave your property looking immaculate.

Ready to give your yard the attention it deserves? Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. today for a spring yard clean up that will make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.

Up next, we’ll delve into Frequently Asked Questions about Spring Yard Cleanup to address common concerns and provide expert advice.

Frequently Asked Questions about Spring Yard Cleanup

What is the best time to start cleaning the yard in spring?

The ideal time to start your spring yard cleanup is when the weather begins to warm up and the soil is no longer frozen. Typically, this is in early spring, but it can vary based on your region.

Daytime temperatures should consistently stay above 50°F. This helps avoid damaging plants that might still be sensitive to cold. Also, ensure the soil is thawed and not too wet. Working on wet soil can compact it, making it harder for roots to grow. A simple test: if the soil sticks to your shoes, it’s too wet.

How can I effectively clean up an overgrown backyard?

Cleaning up an overgrown backyard can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can help:

  1. Remove Debris: Start by clearing away any litter, dead leaves, and branches. Wear heavy work gloves to tackle litter that may contain broken glass.
  2. Lawn Care: Rake the lawn to remove thatch and aerate to improve soil health. If you raked leaves thoroughly in the fall, you’ve likely avoided snow mold.
  3. Weed Control: Apply pre-emergent herbicides or manually remove weeds. Consider laying landscape fabric over the ground and covering it with mulch to protect the landscape fabric from harmful UV rays.
  4. Fertilize: Use compost or a balanced fertilizer to nourish the lawn. Compost is nature’s slow-release fertilizer and won’t burn plants.
  5. Overseed: Fill in bare patches by overseeding with grass seed.
  6. Prune and Trim: Cut back overgrown shrubs and trees to encourage new growth. Prune flowering trees before they bloom to avoid cutting off buds.

For professional assistance with your yard cleanup, consider reaching out to us at Lawn Care Plus Inc.. We have the expertise and equipment to make your yard look its best.

What are the essential tools for spring yard cleanup?

Having the right tools can make your spring yard cleanup much easier and more efficient. Here are some essentials:

  • Rakes: For removing leaves, debris, and thatch.
  • Pruners: For trimming shrubs and small branches.
  • Edgers: To create neat edges along walkways and flower beds.
  • Mulchers: To break down leaves and yard waste into mulch.
  • Fertilizer Spreaders: For evenly distributing compost or fertilizer.
  • Gloves: To protect your hands from blisters and debris.
  • Trash Bags: For collecting and disposing of yard waste.

Investing in quality tools can save you time and effort in the long run.

Spring Yard Cleanup Tools - spring yard clean up tips

Ready to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood? Contact Lawn Care Plus Inc. for all your spring yard cleanup needs. We’re here to help you get your yard summer-ready!

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Get Your Yard Summer-Ready: Spring Cleanup Tips

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